Sally Bliss, or professionally known as Carla Balenda, an actress during the ‘50s and ‘60s, was born in Carthage, New York, aged 95. Why she changed her name? Because she thought Sally Bliss is too cute for her, that name would type her,She knew she was not the type.She gained public notoriety after pairing up with Mickey Rooney in his first television role, The Mickey Rooney Show.
Carla also played Better Leonard on the television series The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu that aired from 1955 until 1956. Her career didn’t progress as much as she hoped but she appeared in the classic TV show Lassie as a supporting cast. We are sure she was able to sort out her finances before she retired in 1966 after completing a role in Seconds. After all, we haven’t heard any news about her filing for bankruptcy after her acting days in Hollywood.