Up in Smoke

Never argue with a lawyer. Or at least double-check a contract that you’re signing with them, lest you find yourself thousands of dollars poorer.

A clever lawyer once bought a pack of cigars and had them insured against all sorts of catastrophes like floods, storms, and fire. A few months down the road, he filed a claim saying that the insured cigars disappeared due to “small fires”, meaning he smoked them. The insurance company refused to pay for it but a judge ruled that they’re bound by law to do so because they didn’t specify the type or size of the fire in the contract.

A Wedding on Fire

A person’s wedding has to be perfect. From the flowers to the venue, food, music, and ambiance. And of course, the bride’s wedding dress. After all, it’s the most anticipated reveal during the ceremony.

However, one couple’s wedding got a little “too much fun” and the bride’s dress caught on fire before the ceremony even started. Luckily, her fiancé dragged her immediately through the Caribbean waters and put out the fire.

It’s definitely not ideal but at least the insurance company was willing to dish out for her dress. And, she knows that her fiancé’s got her back—even through fire and water.

Merry Christmas!

There’s always something different when it comes to using real pine trees during the Christmas season. They just really perfect the vibe, so it’s no surprise that people are always rushing and paying absurd amounts of money to get the best ones.

However, an Indiana man found himself with a free Christmas tree and a new windshield after the tree slipped off the roof of the car he was following. Unfortunately, the other driver sped off without checking on him or the tree. Since it was Christmas season, the police just let him keep the tree and his insurance company covered the damages to his car.

Camel Kick

Some claims just seem too crazy to be true but then again, we live in a world where everything’s possible so it’s best to keep an open mind. Such is the case when an insurance company initially refused to acknowledge and pay for an Australian man’s claim for his car.

In the report, he claimed that a wild camel kicked his car door and damaged it. Sounds unbelievable right? However, when video evidence was retrieved and produced, the insurance company had no choice but to hand over the cash for his car repair. He should probably thank the CCTV operators.

Elevator Experience

Ironically, safety training can be really dangerous, especially if you’re dealing with heavy machinery and repair. Once, a safety training instructor was working with trainees when the elevator they were using for demonstrations got stuck. If you have anxiety in closed spaces you’ll know how difficult this could be.

The bright side is, the trainees got some real hands-on experience for the job, but the bad side is they suffered “mental anguish” which they promptly asked the insurance company to pay for. They accepted the claim and gave them their money.

Nokia Cake

Sometimes, you look at some situations and just ask, “How?”

Such is the case when a North Carolina woman somehow baked her Nokia phone into her daughter’s birthday cake. There are so many questions to be asked in this situation. How did the phone get there? How come it didn’t explode inside the oven? Does it still work? Was it supposed to be a surprise gift?

The good thing is, reportedly, nobody got hurt or poisoned due to the incident. Understandably, the insurance company declined to pay damages. This is due to the situation stemming from gross negligence on the woman’s part.

Snow Where’d You Go?

Traveling for specific activities in the locality you’ll be visiting often requires a great amount of foresight and planning. Both of which a British woman lacked when she visited the Alps, only to find that there was no snow during her visit. She was very disappointed as she bought brand new skis to go skiing only to find greenery instead of sheets of white.

She was so upset that she filed an insurance claim that was promptly denied by her insurance company citing that she landed herself in the situation due to her lack of foresight. Maybe next time, she’ll check Google.

What’s Up, Coconut?

Vacations by the beach are always a win. It’s the perfect getaway with its cool breeze, pristine waters, and peaceful ambiance. It also doesn’t hurt that they look good on the ‘gram! If you’re a great swimmer, the only thing left to worry about is what poses you’d use for your photos by the coconut trees.

However, you might want to be more careful hanging out under those trees next time. A woman in Sri Lanka was knocked out cold when a coconut fell on her head as she was reading under its shade. Luckily the insurance company paid in full.

Lost Loose Teeth

You’d think it’s hard to lose something that’s constantly attached to you, right? Like a watch, glasses, or even earrings. But they still happen, especially since they can easily be removed. However, for a man on an Alaskan cruise, he didn’t lose any accessories but rather his own teeth!

Well, his dentures, to be precise. He lost his dentures overboard while surveying the ocean. To compensate for his loss, he filed a lost baggage claim for his dentures. However, the insurance company denied his claim. We hope he had a spare or it would’ve been an interesting time at the cruise buffet.

Buried Treasure

Kids have an amazing imagination, not limited by laws of nature, and encouraged by educational television shows and cartoons. It’s always fun to see what they’re up to whether it’s an artwork or a pretend-play with their playmates. However, if left unattended it could lead to injuries or collateral damage.

Such is the case for the parents of a couple of children, and their camera. The children ended up burying their parents’ camera in the sand, perhaps while playing pirate. Needless to say, it was damaged but the insurance company came to the rescue and honored their claim for insurance.
