A Romantic Loss

Titanic remains to be one of the most romantic movies of all time. The story of the ship’s demise and the love story between Jack and Rose has become as legendary as the actual ship itself. There are a lot of memorable scenes in the film, specifically the moment between the two character at the ship’s head.

Many people attempt to recreate the iconic scene despite its danger. A couple tried to do so, but ended up losing their camera to the sea. They filed an insurance claim to cover the loss. At least it wasn’t them that fell!

Car vs Deer

In some parts of the world, deer and other wild animals regularly cross their roads. This is not limited to roads in rural areas, but can also be found in roads within the city. Sometimes, their appearance makes for a good story to tell at dinner but other times, it can cause accidents.

Such is the case with a Virginian man who claimed that an angry deer head butted his car’s windshield on his way to work. While it was plausible, the insurance company launched a short investigation to make sure of his claim. Unfortunately, they found the evidence to be lacking.

The Global Financial Crisis

The first global financial crisis after the Great Depression happened back in 2007 and lasted until 2008. It was propelled by excessive risk-taking by banks and made worse by the bursting of US’ housing bubble. It lead to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and was then followed by the European debt crisis, and tail-ended by the Icelandic financial crisis.

With the amount of money lost and institutions bankrupted, insurance companies dished out over $100 billion to cover people’s losses. This also includes those who had to cash in on their policies due to being laid off from their old jobs.

A Goose and a Diamond

Farming, animals, and expensive jewelry are never a good mix. You’d think people would’ve learned their lesson by now from movies and avoid wearing expensive jewelries around animals, but it seems some people haven’t.

Such is the case when a Texan woman lost her precious and very expensive diamond ring to her goose. Her goose accidentally swallowed it and she tried everything to get it back – even resorting to sifting through goose poop for several weeks.

She filed for a claim with her insurance company but they refused to cover it. The lady never recovered her precious ring again.

Birthday Blast

Dogs are a lovable and mischievous bunch with lots of energy to burn. They’re like little toddlers that have to be watched over from time to time, especially when they’re indoors and surrounded by different appliances.

A family learned this the hard way when their dog, Skyler, accidentally turned the stove on when he reached for the family’s one-year-old’s birthday cake sitting by the burner. Instead of getting to munch on the sweet treat, he set it on fire.

Fortunately, no dogs or humans were injured. The fire was put out very quickly thus leaving no damage on the house’s flooring.

Goats vs Car

Man versus nature is always an interesting conflict in literature, who would’ve thought it’ll also make a funny insurance claim story?

The story in this case is that of a red sports car versus a herd of goats. While driving on country roads with his fancy sports car, one man attempted to shoo away a herd of goats from the middle of the road by honking at them.

Bad move. The honking startled the goats so much they jumped on top of his car! Nobody was injured, luckily. Lesson learned: don’t honk at a herd of goats and always get comprehensive auto insurance.

Motivation No-tivation

Motivation speakers have a way of, impacting an audience. It’s their job after all. They use different techniques and word play to get in touch with their audience’s mindset and emotions, pulling on their courage to spark their determination.

One motivational speaker went beyond and encouraged an audience member to break a board with their hands. Had it gone well, it would’ve been a winner but unfortunately, the volunteer sustained injuries due to the stunt. The speaker had to get their insurance company involved in order to cover the volunteer’s medical bills.

Hopefully it didn’t put him off from trying new things.

Snakes in the Toilet

Going to the toilet and doing your business is one of the most vulnerable situations you could find yourself in. Imagine adding snakes to your trip and you’ve got yourself a dangerous situation. It might be surprising to others, but Southerners know how likely this can happen, given that snakes love cool and dark places.

A Texan family had to have a rattlesnake removed from their plumbing after seeing its head peak out of their toilet. Shockingly, 23 rattlesnakes were discovered under their home and around their plumbing afterwards. We hope they filed a claim for their home insurance to cover the costs.

All Fun and Games

It’s all fun and games for a pair of brothers as they played an interactive video game until one of them got frustrated and launched his handheld controller into the screen, destroying it. Their 60” smart TV never recovered and the worst part is – it was brand new!

Everyone gets carried away from time to time, but the boy’s temper caused their family their new television when their insurance claim of $1.1k was denied. We hope they learned their lesson and found other ways through which they can channel anger. We hope their parents weren’t too upset with their children’s costly mistake, too.

Hardwood Excuses

Some excuses and claims are too ridiculous to even take seriously, but it doesn’t stop people from attempting them. Such is the case when a policy holder attempted to cash in on her homeowner’s insurance with a claim that the damages on her floor was due to the floor not being “hard enough”.

Completely ludicrous, right? Add the fact that she turned her hardwood floor into a bowling alley, which is the real cause of the damages. Sometimes some people’s audacity will not annoy you, but rather impress you grudgingly as well. However, we bet her insurance company was not amused at all.
