Not-so Happy Hour

Wine enthusiasts know that rare, properly aged bottles of wine can be very expensive. The best can’t be measured by money. Some are completely invaluable. Imagine the anger and disappointment of a homeowner after a sewage pipe backed up and overflowed in their neighborhood, pouring into their basement.

Unfortunately, his wine collection was in the cellar and got affected. Needless to say, the wine had been spoiled by the heat due to the overflown water. He filed for a claim with his insurance company. Whether it was approved or not, the whole situation was the embodiment of a not-so happy happy hour.

Home Sweet Home?

After a long vacation, nothing beats the comfort of your own home. Unfortunately for one couple, their excitement to go home turned into dread after what they found. The couple had a month-long vacation in Greece but during their time away, the power went off in their home.

This caused the contents of their freezer to defrost, coagulate, and spill out of their garage flooring. You can’t imagine the stench. However, it gets worse. Their home was infested with mice scavenging for food after being attracted by the smell. We hope their home insurance came through for their extermination and repairs.

UFO Drone

The stories of appearing and disappearing objects in the sky is nothing new. What’s new, however, is the disappearance of a drone during a sunny day. After all, how can someone lose something that they can control?

One woman claimed that it’s possible after she brought out her pricey brand-new drone for a test run on a particularly sunny day. It only took a split-second for her to lose it. She turned away to avoid the glare of the sun and when she looked back, her drone has disappeared!

Hopefully she’ll reconsider her investments in the future, or at least learn how to handle them.

The Bat Cave

Bats get such a bad reputation due to pop culture associating them with blood-sucking vampires for decades. However, the truth is, most of them don’t even drink blood! Their diet consists mainly of fruits and smaller insects. The only downside to them is their smelly poop. It can accumulate in their habitat for years!

Such is the case of one family when they found a cluster of bats flying from their 150-year-old farmhouse. Turns out, the bats have been living in their attic for years and have left almost two feet of bat poop.

Thank goodness for homeowner’s insurance, right?

Horses and Bananas

A hunter in southwest Missouri learned his lesson about fruit-scented car wax after a fairly interesting hunting trip. It started when he polished his prized 4WD pickup truck with a carnauba car wax with a distinct banana scent. It was all well and good until he got back from hunting and found a group of horses crowding his truck.

The horses were attracted to the scent and were licking it off the car. Unfortunately, it wasn’t only saliva that he found but also large bite marks. Talk about a treat. That’s why it’s always better to have comprehensive car insurance.

The Missing Boat

Insurance fraud and false claims are rampant but usually, people get smart when they try to trick their insurance companies. Such is not a case when a policy holder filed a claim saying that their boat was stolen from a closed garage. It’s a promising and believable backstory, sure, but something was off. The problem with their story?

The boat was 30ft long and the garage was only 24 feet. It was impossible to fit inside such space, let alone be stolen from it. Instead of having their claim paid out, the policy holder received a fine from attempting fraud.

Broken Nose for the Ladies

In old cartoons, it’s the male’s neck that get twisted and injured when their eyes follow a beautiful woman. In real life, it’s not the case. A British tourist in Athens ended up with a bloody broken nose after running into a bus shelter. Supposedly, he was distracted by a passing group of beautiful females.

We doubt it impressed the ladies but at least he got his insurance company to cover his hospital bill. Maybe next time he’d be more careful checking out ladies at an unfamiliar terrain, lest he breaks something more important than his nose, like his legs.

Insured Taste Buds

If you think insurance policies are only applicable for houses, cars, and other physical items, you couldn’t be more wrong. Of course, there’s the existence of health and life insurance but did you know that you can insure specific parts of your body?

It’s a usual occurrence with celebrities, models, and athletes. They do this to protect their money-makers and signature features. Models insure their legs, athletes insure their arms, and so on. Similarly, a known food critic decided to insure his taste buds for $393k!

This is a good decision given that it is the source of his income.

Marc Thompson’s Arson

There’s a reason why availing insurance policy for somebody else can be really suspicious. Usually it happens between spouses, but in Marc Thompson, it’s between him and his mother. As a former commodities firm executive, Thompson isn’t what you’d think an arsonist would be like.

However, to get his mother’s insurance, he burned down their home with his 90-year old mother still in it. Thompson used to earn $1 million a year but due to debts, he went bankrupt. He tried to pass off his crime by saying that his mother committed suicide. He was sentenced to 190 years in prison.

Out of this World

Did you know that there’s hundreds of alien abduction claims all over the world every year? Whether or not you believe in the existence of intelligent life outside Earth, alien abduction claims still pour in every year.

In response to this seemingly far-fetched and yet seemingly possible occurrence, people have turned up in droves wanting to purchase alien abduction insurance. Yes, it’s a real policy. Lloyd’s of London is the most popular provider of alien abduction insurance, selling over 30,000 policies to date.

It’s going to be a difficult process of providing alien abduction though. Best of luck for every policy holder!

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