Angela Lansbury – Cork, Ireland, Undisclosed

Typically, when it comes to houses, celebrities like to do it big. For Angela Lansbury, however, it was the opposite. When the actress started to gain more and more success in the industry, she found herself wanting more peace and quiet. So, in order to go back to her roots and achieve what she wanted, she purchased a charming Irish house just off the coast of Cork, Ireland.

Although the exact price of the home is unknown, we can guess that it might’ve set the actress back a few pounds considering that one of the experts who worked on the house is renowned potter, Stephen Pearce. Angela’s cozy Irish home is a modest two-story home perched on top of an Irish cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The exterior of the house is designed with simple white walls and gray tile roofing while the interior is kept clean and minimal with plastered walls and warm floors.
