What Viviane Slon discovered about the bone fragment

After Samantha Brown categorized the artifacts and analyzed the proteins within the bone artifact, she came across the discovery that the bone came from an ancient human. However, her research did not progress any further, so the bone was passed to a paleogeneticist named Viviane Slon, who was working at the Max Planck Institute. In her pursuit of knowing more about the mystery hominin, Slon, too, started investigating the DNA consisted within the fragment. However, in the end, she discovered more than she was expecting.

At first glance, the bone did not show a degree of remarkability. It was only one inch in length and was believed to belong to a teenage girl who was around 13 years of age. It was also thought that this girl probably passed away approximately 90,000 years ago when the Denisovans species populated a small corner in the Altai Mountains.
